Part 14: Bonus Chapter 2 - Dark Knight Run with "Default" Party
Bonus Chapter 2 - Dark Knight Run with "Default" Party![](1-001.png)
Our next run will feature the party we start with once we unlock the Big Whale. We'll also be sticking with Dark Knight Cecil, which changes the ending quite a bit.
First off, quick looting at the Mythril Cave and Bahamut's Moon Base so we're kinda geared up for the upcoming gauntlet.
Of course we can't actually help Yang fight with a full party. I mean, we're already down in the middle of nowhere for no good reason, we obviously aren't that busy.
The twins pick up more magic, nothing that interesting. By the end, Palom will have just learned his last -aga spell.
You don't get the Ragnarok unless you change to Paladin. You can still unlock the shop for arrows and shurikens, though.
You still get Excalibur from beating Odin.
Porom's Bonk! move gives an ally a random buff. Eh.
The fiends are a bit harder since this party hasn't done as much grinding, but they're no issue.
Since Kain's not there to insta-gib this mofo, we have to fight the Shadow Dragon.
All he does are counters and insta-death attacks. No biggie.
Apparently he can drop the Cursed Ring, which absorbs all elements but lowers all stats by 5, though apparently you can upgrade it to a broken-ass Hero Ring somehow. Oh well, not gonna worry about it now.
And Golbez goes now. Now, though, things change.
...wait What did we just fucking do
We let the fucking villain walk away and literally told him to take our only transportation to Mysidia to be judged based on him saying "Oh there's actually a bigger bad further in you gotta believe me." What in the god damn fuck, Cecil.
Though it's interesting that Dark Knight Cecil is compassionate enough to let Golbez live, while Paladin Cecil flat-out killed Golbez.
I'm gonna breeze through the final dungeon because little changes tactics-wise.
All the Crystal gear is replaced with Hades gear, each boosting Wisdom by 5 and reducing Holy damage. The Hades Shield boosts Agility, Wisdom, and Will by 15.
This beauty is tied with Lightbringer for strongest weapon in the game, except it also boosts all stats by 15 and inflicts instant death.
Let's jump right to Zeromus.
Things don't go so well this time.
So, uh, this ain't Cecil...
Oh yeah Golbez is a Paladin now. Sure, why not.
Battle goes same as before.
So we end with Cecil forgiving Cecil.
With the twins not petrified, King Santos fulfills his destiny.
And with Kain around, we get to see Cecil's wedding-day jitters.
Otherwise the only other difference is Kain being at the wedding as Cecil's best man.
And instead of the various other characters returning the crystals, now it's Paladin Golbez.
And that's it for that run!